Sunday, April 25, 2010


I changed the time-zone on my computer last week. Until then it had still been on Oregon time, but at almost 4 months it seemed like the time to make the switch. This was just the first sign that the settling process was beginning. One year is an awkward amount of time. Just how settled should one get?

Saturday I bought two orchids. They brighten up my little white box of an apartment and make me very happy. It’s nice to make it look a little more like a home.

Then today I completely surprised myself. With a little pressure from my dear friend June I took the plunge and became the proud momma of two adorable hamsters! It was love at first sight and even though the cage was full of the little critters I knew exactly which two I wanted. The dark one was laying sprawled out on top of a wooden house, his cheeks stuffed full of food. He was such a chub! The light one was sleeping along the edge with a bunch of others, but he was turned completely upside down with all four legs up in the air. The man said that if I bought the cage, bedding, and food he would give me the two hamsters for free. *Sigh* okay….. So he set up the cage, checked to make sure the two I wanted were both boys, and plopped them in.

They have a nice loft apartment with an upstairs gym and it didn’t take the dark one long to find his way up to the running ball. He’s all tuckered out now from running so much. Aren’t they so cute sleeping? ^_^

I do have one problem though – they need names. While ‘dark one’ and ‘light one’ are quite descriptive I think we can do better. I’ve been reading The Princess Bride so my first thought was to name the dark one Fezzik, and the light one Inigo, but I thought it would be fun to hear some of your suggestions. So, what do you think?


Aly sun said...

I like your princess bride ideas. Glad you are feeling settled. I have never been anywhere a whole year, but at school for 9 months, I always felt more settled right before it was time to go home.

Janelle said...

Hey, Melina! I'm your mom's childhood friend, Janelle. My mom (Jessie Clausen) just sent me your blog address, so thought I'd pop in and say hi... and that I have no great hamster name ideas. :) Sounds like you're having a great experience. And I'd settle in. A year is a year -- make it "home."