Monday, January 16, 2012

Writing at home

Why is it that when away from home everything seems more interesting? In Korea I wrote blogs about holidays, cooking, my apartment, even watching paint dry (ok, so maybe not). Here, it never occurs to me to write about anything. There I took pictures of EVERYTHING, here I’m lucky if I remember to get one picture of a special event.

When I was getting ready to leave Korea I told myself, as countless others have before and will after, that I would keep the same “tourist” mindset in Oregon that I had developed in Korea. And like those ambiguous “others” I just mentioned, I didn’t.

Perhaps it’s because things here are so familiar that I take them for granted. Or maybe subconsciously I don’t think people will be interested in things here. But why? *Warning: Soapbox coming out* I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. The Willamette Valley is stunning. Yes, it rains a lot, but look at what all that rain does! The people are great too. Oregonians are laid back and comfortable. (Complain about our slow driving all you like, but while you’re busy rushing around, we’re savoring time. I mean, come on, have you SEEN this place?! I had to remind myself to keep my eyes on the road the other day because the sunset was so amazing.) *Okay, got that out of my system.*

Holy brilliant colors, Batman! The sky is on fire!

God is still working in my life and there is still lots of scribbling. This is perhaps the messiest scribbling of all because I really have no idea what picture God and I are making right now. Sometimes I throw down my crayons and say, “Hey, God, what gives? I could do a much better job if you’d just tell me what I’m doing.” But he just laughs and says, “No you couldn’t.” *sigh* Why is he always right?

Now, another aspect of this whole “scribbled journeys” thing is that I like to scribble out little poems and stories to help me process some of the things I think about. Back several months ago I started thinking that it would be fun to try writing parables like Jesus used to explain concepts. I love the simplicity of his stories and how they cut right to the heart of an issue. So I tried my hand at a few. Mine are not nearly as… minimalistic? I really love details and can be pretty wordy (no surprise to you if you’re even still reading down this far). However, I enjoyed the pursuit and I don’t think they’re that bad, so I think I’ll share them on here. Not today, I need to read over them again, and not all at once, but soon. (I know, you’re breathless with anticipation.) *Side note: Whenever I type “you” I can’t help but wonder to whom I’m referring… who are you? (WHO, are YOU? J) Does anyone read this?*

Okay, so there are some random tidbits to prime the pump, so-to-speak. Parables coming soon. And question: How are your scribblings coming along?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE you so much Meewee!!! and i LOVE your scribblings--cannot wait for you to get your books (& parables) published one day. PLEASE do it before my babies pop out so I can have a bookshelf of your books ready for them to read =).

Also, LOVE the picture--so majestic and beautiful. Can't wait for my visit this summer so we can go adventuring without the rain, snow or heavy, gloomy clouds to keep us indoors.

Keep them comin' my love--see you in FEB!

(the "you" is "me"!)

forever and always HUGS!