Sunday, January 2, 2011

A year at a glance

Almost exactly one year ago, January 2nd 2010, I arrived in Korea for the first time. I walked into my little white box of an apartment and though, “THIS is where I’m going to live for a year?”

I’ve come a long way since then, and though I still have two months left, I thought it would be fun to briefly reflect on the past 12 months. So here are the highlights:

January: Arrive in Korea, SNOW, Deoksugung Palace, Festival of Lights, first “adventure in cooking” – Kimchi soup, discover GEM church.

Seoul Festival of Lights - carriage ride.

February: Changgyeonggung Palace, second “adventure in cooking” – Tres Leches, overcome by the ridiculous love of God.

I think I'm getting the hang of this Korea place...

March: Discover Insadong art galleries, first FC Seoul game, dumpster-diving, purchase an electric keyboard.

Toto Gallery - We had a really good tour guide.

April: Take the plunge with Korean bangs, take Lizze to ER, become proud mother of two hamsters, Easter – Korean style, Suwon Hwaseong Fortress.

The boys - so sweet... when they're sleeping...

May: Butterfly festival, paper festival, birthday – Butterfinger Pancakes and Rodin exhibit, lantern festival.

Butterfly Festival.

June: Cook American meal for Koreans, say goodbye to Muang, World Cup, another palace.

Watching the Korea game on the big screen at the Seoul WC stadium.

July: 4th of July at the beach, Single cell at book theme park, learning to remember God’s faithfulness.

Does this really need a caption? All the others have one...

August: Children’s camp with church – I am NOT in control, but GOD is!, Namsan tower, try live octopus.

My favorites at the Children's Camp. Shh, don't tell.

September: Chuseok with Anny’s family, start Truth Project with some girls from church.

My Korean family for Chuseok.

October: Applesauce, trip with June’s kids from church, Autumn fortress, hike and clam digging.

After we got tired of digging for clams.

November: Apple festival, Sudeok-sa temple, try bundegi for first and last time, C&C park day, first Thai food in Korea – fork for the White girl, North Korea fires on South Korea.

Playing in the leaves at the Sudeok-sa temple. We're not very reverent...

December: American vacation and Michelle’s wedding, Christmas norebang, “gingerbread” houses, Christmas and New Year’s Eve with church family.

Christmas celebration with Truth Project Bible study girls.

God has been so faithful to me this year, bringing me through difficult times and providing me with great friends. I think 2010 will always remain one of the most memorable years of my life. I can’t wait to see what he has next!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is fun to see your year in review! It sure flew by and I really enjoy reading your updates. If you talk at your church when you get back, I would love to know the time so I can come. -- Alysun